
Well, hello there, you daring souls! Welcome to my steamy sanctuary, where the allure of Pompeii Poopa beckons in all its molten glory. Buckle up, because we’re about to delve into a world of tantalizing sensations that’ll leave you in a hot mess of pleasure and anticipation!

Imagine you and me, sauntering through the digital corridors of my secret haven. It’s a place where desires run wild, and the air is thick with an undeniable, um, charm. Just like the legendary eruptions of Vesuvius, my offerings promise a molten eruption of passion and allure that’s simply irresistible.

Now, let’s talk about these treasures, my darlings. They’re not just videos; they’re an invitation to explore your deepest desires, to embrace your sensuality with a fearless fervor. Think of them as a steamy pile of fantasies and emotions, ready to sweep you off your feet in a dance of intoxicating pleasure. And oh, don’t worry, I’m all about getting wet, but in a way that’ll leave you breathless and craving for more. ;)

So, here’s the sizzling scoop, my fiery friends. You’re invited to a world where inhibitions take a backseat, and the thrill of the unknown reigns supreme. With Pompeii Poopa, you’re not just watching videos; you’re immersing yourself in a realm where fantasies come alive, and where every moment is an exploration of the senses.

Get ready to be captivated by the foul smell of irresistible temptation, as we journey together into a domain where things are anything but ordinary. From steamy piles of desire to the ultimate molten eruptions of passion, I’ve curated an experience that’ll leave you in a delightful hot mess of fervor.

This is Pompeii Poopa, my loves – where sensuality meets audacity, and where every video is a tantalizing tale waiting to be unraveled. So, if you’re ready to ignite the flames of desire and dive headfirst into the depths of pleasure, then let’s take this exhilarating ride together! 🌋🔥

Twitter: @PompeiiPoopa | Reddit: /u/PompeiiPoopa | Scatbook: @PompeiiPoopa | Email: pompeiipoopa@gmail.com

Frontal Panty Poop and Pussy Play

In this video, Pompeii begins with her pussy being rubbed by her slave. It feels so pleasurable to her that she decides to release her piping hot shit directly into her white panties. As she moans, you can hear her shit crackle and witness a massive bulge form. After she’s done shitting her panties, she begins to play with her pussy while her slave toys with her and lightly smushes her shit against her wet pussy and dirty asshole, revealing every angle of the damage in the process. There is nothing you won’t love about this one, rendered in 4k and filmed completely close-up.

Video Info: 2560x1440 Pixel @ 63795 kb/s
Audio Info: 2 Channels @ 384 kb/s
Length: 3min.
Format: MP4
Category: EFRO, Farting, Pantypoop, Partners/Slaves, Scat Masturbation, Smearing, Toilet Slavery
Size: 1183MB
Language: English

Pink Panty Blowout

In this video, Pompeii enters her shit-chamber donning a long skirt. She lifts up her skirt and begins playing with her ass, smacking and spreading it – teasing you for what is to come. Just what is to come, you ask? Well, after a delicious taco dinner, Pompeii blasts a massive sticky shit into her hot pink panties. She drags her panties to the side carefully, to keep the load balanced, and shows you the side view – a massive pile of shit in her panties. She then begins re-seating her panties to show just how big the bulge is. Towards the end of the clip, Pompeii brings her camera in for a close-up frontal view of the damage, and her pussy and thighs/ass are completely caked in her sticky shit. Her slave loves this video so much that he craves to smash his face into her shitty pussy and clean it all up, and you will want to, too…

Video Info: 2560x1440 Pixel @ 107520 kb/s
Audio Info: 2 Channels @ 384 kb/s
Length: 3min.
Format: MP4
Category: Desperation, EFRO, Pantypoop
Size: 2361MB
Language: English

Creamy Log Drop II

In this video I push out yet another thick, creamy log out of my juicy asshole – straight into the toilet.

Video Info: 2560x1440 Pixel @ 86528 kb/s
Audio Info: 2 Channels @ 384 kb/s
Length: 1min.
Format: MP4
Category: EFRO, Toilet Pooping
Size: 824MB
Language: English

Creamy Log Drop

In this video I push out a thick, creamy log out of my juicy asshole – straight into the toilet.

Video Info: 2560x1440 Pixel @ 94106 kb/s
Audio Info: 2 Channels @ 384 kb/s
Length: 2min.
Format: MP4
Category: EFRO, Toilet Pooping
Size: 1070MB
Language: English

Sheer Panty Blowout

After farting on her slave’s cock while cuddling, Pompeii decides that what would excite her most is exploding into her yellow sheer panties, a tantalizing tease for her slave. Pompeii spreads her ass, then smacks it. She pulls her panties up and releases a massive, steamy dump into her sheer panties – completely fucking destroying them. After getting some close-up shots, Pompeii spreads her shit-covered ass to show the extent of the damage and it is absolutely magnificent. For the finale, Pompeii shows her pussy and the turd in the seat of her panties from her front, you don’t want to miss this steamy clip!

Video Info: 2560x1440 Pixel @ 75674 kb/s
Audio Info: 2 Channels @ 384 kb/s
Length: 2min.
Format: MP4
Category: EFRO, Farting, Pantypoop
Size: 1146MB
Language: English

Eat My Ass – Shit My Panties

In this video my slave begins by eating my ass, showing how eager he is for my shit. After he is finished with fingering my spread pussy and ass, I lift my panties up and push… filling them up with my fresh shit. My slave then finger-fucks my shitty pussy and ass, much to my delight.

Video Info: 2560x1440 Pixel @ 60416 kb/s
Audio Info: 2 Channels @ 384 kb/s
Size: 1612MB
Language: English

Soft Serve Slave: Lick Me Clean

Pompeii Poopa flaunts her white dress, squats above her slave, and releases a slimy, sloppy mess on his chest. It flows like lava out of her, and she lets out a giggle as her slave takes a liking to it. Eager to clean and fulfill his duty, the slave begins to clean her with his tongue – much to his delight, and he cleans up quite well.

Video Info: 2560x1440 Pixel @ 42598 kb/s
Audio Info: 2 Channels @ 384 kb/s
Length: 2min.
Format: MP4
Category: Anal Play, Diarrhea, EFRO, Farting, Partners/Slaves, Tasting, Toilet Slavery
Size: 451MB
Language: English

Shitting Myself Before Work

The clock ticks relentlessly, and I find myself with a mere five minutes before embarking on the day’s journey. Urgency pulses through my veins, and yet, a different kind of urgency beckons from within. In a pink lace embrace that’s both delicate and daring, I step into my private sanctuary, where the molten eruption of anticipation awaits.

As the delicate fabric clings to me, a symphony of sensations unfurls – the whispered caress of lace against my skin, the electrifying awareness of the imminent release. With an audacious abandon, I succumb to the allure of the moment, each push a note in the symphony of the taboo.

The first brush of warm shit against lace sent shockwaves of pleasure coursing through me, a reminder of the boundaries I was transcending. The fabric, now a conduit for the intimate embrace of my mess, absorbed the essence of the molten eruption – a silent testament to the untamed desires that flowed through me.

I reveled in the paradox, the decadent taboo of this clandestine act. As the weight of the moment hung suspended, I found myself both the creator and the creation, an artist of my own sensuality. With every push and sigh, the barrier between restraint and liberation crumbled, leaving me suspended in a space where inhibitions held no dominion.

And as the final tremors of ecstasy subsided, I was left in awe of the journey I had embarked upon. The delicate lace that adorned me now carried the indelible imprint of my audacity, a secret communion between my desires and the tangible world.

Video Info: 2560x1440 Pixel @ 138240 kb/s
Audio Info: 2 Channels @ 384 kb/s
Length: 3min.
Format: MP4
Category: Desperation, Pantypoop
Size: 2893MB
Language: English

Panty Bulge: Crackle & Hiss

I perch upon a closed throne, a modern twist on the ancient's seat of power. In an audacious departure from the norm, I straddle the throne, a daring reminder that norms are made to be challenged. As you watch, captivated, I revel in the sensual tension of anticipation. The air is thick with the promise of what's to come.

With a mischievous posture, I decide not to succumb to the ordinary constraints. Instead, I let the primal instinct take over, a visceral liberation. My white undergarments are soon graced with a growing bulge, a symbol of the delicious control I wield over my own desires. And when the moment is ripe, I present it to you, a peek into the forbidden, a glimpse into a world where rules are rewritten.

But the story doesn't end there. Enter my devoted slave, an embodiment of the passions that are often kept concealed. They appreciate every curve, every nuance of the hot mess I've created. There's an undeniable thrill in their touch, an exploration of boundaries that mirrors the journey we're taking together. In their hands, my molten eruption becomes a masterpiece of sensation, a symphony of textures and emotions that stirs the soul.

Video Info: 2560x1440 Pixel @ 138240 kb/s
Audio Info: 2 Channels @ 384 kb/s
Length: 2min.
Format: MP4
Category: EFRO, Pantypoop, Partners/Slaves, Toilet Pooping, Toilet Slavery
Size: 2217MB
Language: English

Leggings Unleashed, Desires Awakened

Imagine this: a day of command and conquest has left me yearning for a release, a moment of respite from the hustle and bustle of a modern age. In the soft embrace of my chamber, I recline against sumptuous pillows, my bright pink leggings clinging to my form, a vibrant promise of what’s to come. The room is filled with anticipation, a fragrance of promise, and the faint echoes of a distant empire.

As the world quiets down, my senses awaken, and I let go. A slow, deliberate descent into pleasure begins. The sensation is wonderful, my leggings bearing witness to the hot mess of a day’s battles fought and won. With a sultry smile, I reveal my conquest to you, the aftermath of my molten eruption that stains my leggings in a way only a goddess can. And yet, I’m not satiated, not yet.

With a beckoning gesture, my loyal slave approaches, drawn like a moth to the flame of my desire. Our eyes meet, and the unspoken connection ignites between us. He understands, as I do, the allure of embracing the forbidden, the secret thrill of transgression. It is in this intimate moment that I imply, with a teasing glance and a subtle gesture, that he should use his tongue to partake in this private indulgence.

And a slave obeys.

Video Info: 2560x1440 Pixel @ 69427 kb/s
Audio Info: 2 Channels @ 384 kb/s
Length: 3min.
Format: MP4
Category: Eating, EFRO, Pantypoop, Partners/Slaves, Scat Sex, Toilet Slavery
Size: 1658MB
Language: English

Toilet Slave’s Obedient Indulgence: Unveiling Sensual Surrender

One of my most alluring creations awaits you – a mesmerizing video that encapsulates the essence of our journey. Watch as I, draped in a resplendent white dress, make my entrance into my release-chamber, a temple of temptation and decadence. My devoted toilet slave awaits, his anticipation palpable as I grace him with a delectable eruption, a full entree of hot, steamy mess that tantalizingly defies convention. His eager devotion knows no bounds as he indulges in the sweet intimacy of my essence, savoring every moment with unwavering desire.

As he worships my form, his lips find my sweet spots, igniting a symphony of pleasure that resonates through the air. But it is when I unveil the unthinkable, lifting my cheeks to reveal a relentless mess, that our journey takes an exhilarating turn. The slave’s grunts and groans mix with the heady scent, a potent concoction of ecstasy and revulsion that dances on the edge of sensuality. Yet, even as panic flits across his features, professionalism prevails, for this is a sacred duty he undertakes.

In the heart of this delicious encounter, boundaries are blurred, and the dichotomy of pleasure and taboo meld into an unforgettable experience. Join me, as we transcend the ordinary and embrace the sublime, for I am Pompeii Poopa, the goddess who revels in the filth and adventure of the unknown.

Video Info: 2560x1440 Pixel @ 36250 kb/s
Audio Info: 2 Channels @ 384 kb/s
Length: 2min.
Format: MP4
Category: Anal Play, Eating, EFRO, Foot Fetish, Partners/Slaves, Toilet Slavery
Size: 433MB
Language: English

Divine Desires: Eager Release, Obedient Surrender

One of my most daring creations invites you to witness a moment of urgent release, a molten eruption of desire that cannot be denied. Picture this: I, Pompeii Poopa, a goddess yearning for release, urgently summoning my eager slave. With a mix of playful reluctance and an undercurrent of anticipation, I indulge in a dance of vulnerability, surrendering to the primal need that courses through my veins.

“Ew, ew, ew, ew,” I playfully exclaim, the scent of my passion filling the air as I bewitchingly unleash myself onto my willing slave’s hands. Ah, the stench and consistency that would repulse the ordinary only serve to ignite the fiery passions within my devoted servant. In this intimate moment, I revel in the connection, the filth, and the surrender, as my slave’s ardor mirrors my own.

Join me, my daring voyager, as we explore the depths of desire in a journey that defies conventions and embraces the allure of the taboo. I, Pompeii Poopa, your goddess of the untamed, await your presence in this realm of forbidden pleasure. Embrace the adventure, let go of inhibitions, and prepare to be swept away in a world where even the steamiest piles can leave you breathless and utterly fulfilled.

Video Info: 2560x1440 Pixel @ 62157 kb/s
Audio Info: 2 Channels @ 384 kb/s
Length: 1min.
Format: MP4
Category: Desperation, Diarrhea, EFRO, Partners/Slaves, Toilet Slavery
Size: 321MB
Language: English

Chocolate Mousse Delight

Behold, a video where urgency melds with desire, and I, your goddess, release my filth with a fervor akin to the endless flow of lava from the legendary Mount Vesuvius. The very essence of this scene is akin to a thick and gooey slurry of chocolate mousse, an indulgence that envelops you in its richness and sensuality.

Imagine the sheer intensity of my molten eruption, a spectacle that leaves you breathless and yearning for more. As I urgently and unapologetically embrace the taboo, you will witness a side of me that is both captivating and exhilarating. This video is a testament to the depths of human exploration, a fusion of desire and audacity that will leave you craving the next chapter of our journey together.

Video Info: 2560x1440 Pixel @ 65331 kb/s
Audio Info: 2 Channels @ 384 kb/s
Length: 1min.
Format: MP4
Category: Desperation, EFRO, Partners/Slaves, Toilet Slavery
Size: 342MB
Language: English

Runny Blast

I lie on my side, lifting up my iconic white dress to reveal my racy black lace panties. After a moment, I slide them down to my thighs, lift up my ass with one hand, and push my hot shit onto the floor – it is a LOUD, sloppy, and runny mudslide that drives me wild inside… and out.

Video Info: 2560x1440 Pixel @ 58778 kb/s
Audio Info: 2 Channels @ 384 kb/s
Length: 1min.
Format: MP4
Category: Diarrhea, EFRO, Farting
Size: 593MB
Language: English

1+ Feet of Ecstasy

One such mesmerizing creation takes you on a journey akin to the legendary Mount Vesuvius itself. In this scintillating spectacle, I urgently release my innermost filth into the eager hands of my devoted slave. The sheer magnitude of this molten eruption is awe-inspiring, with a length stretching over a foot and a flow that seems nearly endless.

As the filth pours forth, an irresistible hot mess ensues, leaving a sticky and steamy pile upon my loyal slave’s palms. It’s a display of unapologetic ecstasy, a testament to the uninhibited desires that course through my veins. Just as the volcanic lava flowed over the ancient city of Pompeii, leaving behind a mark that transcends time, so too does my essence coat my slave’s hands, imprinting upon them a memory that will forever be seared into their very being.

Video Info: 2560x1440 Pixel @ 52122 kb/s
Audio Info: 2 Channels @ 409 kb/s
Length: 1min.
Format: MP4
Category: EFRO, Partners/Slaves, Toilet Slavery
Size: 287MB
Language: English

Balcony Bliss: Naughty Cruise Escapade

Now, let me paint for you a picture of one such adventure, a tale of audacious mischief and narrowly averted discovery. Picture this: a tranquil cruise ship, its serene ambiance a canvas for my mischievous desires. Within the confines of my sumptuous suite, a thought blossoms – why not turn this dull voyage into a thrilling escapade?

With a heart racing and a devilish grin, I step out onto the private balcony that overlooks the endless expanse of the ocean. The cool breeze caresses my skin, the anticipation electrifying every fiber of my being. As the ship’s gentle sway entices my senses, I decide to indulge in a naughty accident that promises to set the cruise abuzz.

As I release the reins of restraint, a daring molten eruption takes center stage – a thrilling dance of the taboo in the face of convention. But wait, the shipmates and fellow travelers are just a breath away from discovering my audacious act. Heart pounding, I maneuver with practiced finesse, narrowly evading their gaze while leaving behind a tantalizing trace of my escapade.

Oh, the exhilaration of it all! The adrenaline courses through my veins, mingling with the heady rush of satisfaction. In that moment, I am both goddess and muse, embodying the very essence of a Roman spirit that thrives on the thrill of the unexpected.

So, my daring voyagers, if you seek to awaken your senses and embrace the taboo unknown, let Pompeii Poopa be your guide. Together, we shall revel in the beauty of life’s daring escapades, exploring the depths of desire and painting the canvas of our existence with the most alluring of hues. Welcome to my realm, where getting wet is not just a sensation but a journey of discovery.

Video Info: 2560x1440 Pixel @ 103424 kb/s
Audio Info: 2 Channels @ 384 kb/s
Length: 2min.
Format: MP4
Category: EFRO, Pantypoop, Public + Outdoors
Size: 1400MB
Language: English